The 2020 hurricane season is proving to be one for the record books


The areas of the Florida panhandle, Texas, Louisiana and Alabama have all bore the worst of it in the south.  Our hearts and our thoughts go out to all that have suffered tragedy at the hands of these storms.  As a realtor in Sarasota, I am often asked ‘has this home had flood damage or hurricane damage?’  ‘Do you worry about hurricanes?’  There is a legend about town that many of us know and hold faith in.

It is the Legend of Sara DeSota who rests at the bottom of our bay and is protected by warriors.  Her burial in the bay, her sacred resting place, is what protects us from the storms.  Whether myth, legend or truth, the truth of the matter is that Sarasota has not seen any direct impact from a hurricane since they began the record books back in 1871.  The story of protected Sarasota here